Sign up as a Tutor with SPELD SA

Register as a Specialist Tutor with SPELD SA
Families choose SPELD SA Tutors as we ensure our registered tutors are skilled educators, utilising evidence-based best practice approaches to teaching. We also check necessary registrations and provide insurance coverage for peace of mind. Tutors remain self-employed and must have an ABN.
SPELD SA Tutors must have a background in education (including SSO's) or allied health and at least two years' experience working with children. Further training and registration requirements apply. We are happy to assist with training requirements.
To register your interest in becoming a SPELD SA tutor, complete your profile with as much information as possible so we can review your application right away. We will then contact you to dicuss the next steps.
Manage your scheduling and billing online
Lessons are recorded on our online Tutor Management System and all Invoicing and payments are managed by SPELD SA. Simply log in from your phone, computer or tablet to confirm your lessons. Tutors can set their own fees for service and have control over when, where and who they tutor.
Enjoy the benefits of being a SPELD SA Tutor
As a SPELD SA Tutor, you'll be associated with a well respected not-for-profit organisation that strives to ensure students have access to the highest quality programs and resources for effective intervention. SPELD SA invests in its tutor service by providing free and low-cost professional learning opportunities and other member benefits.
You'll be able to accept the referrals you want and build your business. We'll send out job notifications whenever new tutor requests become available that match your skill set and geographical location. Our tutors may choose to work at student's homes, schools, at a home office, public library, or online. You can have 1 or 2 students per week or make tutoring your full-time job - it's up to you!