Sign up as a Tutor with Claremont Tutors

**Thank You For Your Interest In Becoming A Tutor.
HELP, Inc.,dba Claremont Tutor is A 501c3 Non-Profit Organization Led by Top College Students & Graduates. Join Our Team, Share Your Knowledge, Help Others And Earn Income!
With COVID-19 still going around we encourage our tutors to keep safe by taking advantage of our free online-tutoring platform to meet thier students.
**Please sign up and fill in your tutor profile with as much information as possible so we can find you the perfect students to work with.
**(You can specify the subjects you want to teach under skills by using simple category names like Math, English, Science, History, ect. Make sure to add multiple skill levels.(These are the levels you wish to teach, ie; Primary, High School, College.
**Use TutorCruncher to manage your scheduling and expenses
**You'll never have to fill in a timesheet again, simply log in to from your phone, computer or tablet to log your lesson on the calendar.
Receive job offers to your email and click apply if you want to accept it
**With our new software, Tutor Cruncher, you'll be able to apply for jobs you want with ease.
**I hope you enjoy the improvements and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Best Wishes,
Mark Ralph | President
HELP, Inc. dba Claremont Tutors
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